But I was not prepared for the special visit to my workstation on thursday. Around 3:30, in comes the Hammer. We showed him the animation I had done, to which he replied in his smooth, deep voice, "Yeah, I saw that online the other day. Nice, real nice." I was stoked.
Now to let you all down, I must say that he was not wearing parachute pants, and he did not bust into the room with a boombox on his shoulder playing Can't Touch This. He was just a real neat guy who happens to be MC Hammer.
Oh, and before he could leave, I pulled out my sketchbook and had him sign my animation thumbnails. Check out the bottom of the image:
All in all, a pretty good day!
That is so cool. Also, those thumbnails are really, really great.
that is pretty fantastic! :D former residents of fremont, represent!
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